
A list of things I have been working on during my spare time. The most recent project comes first.

Relativistic Game#

I am currently developing a game with Physics following Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity. My aim is to develop a proper, commercialy-viable relativistic platformer game. Players are meant to play the game for fun, while being exposed to all sorts of weird relativistic phenomena.

While relativity is paradoxical to most people, I want players of my game to develop an intuition for it. Well, this is what games are good for, using the “fun element” to make you understand a complex set of rules and develop an ability to overcome the challenges of its virtual world.

I worked privately on this project on my spare time for quite a while. Recently, I have started sharing details at I plan to also use the game technologies I developed to create educational content. For example, videos explaining length contraction, time dilation, etc.

Pyrtist: draw with Python#

An IDE which enables using Python scripts to draw 2D pictures. This project started as a port of Boxer (see below) to Python. Basically this is the Box GUI where the underlying language used for drawing is Python rather than Box. This is hosted here.

Immagine: image browser and viewer#

A simple image viewer with focus on image browsing. It uses all the screen space for the thumbnails by resizing them appropriately. It also creates thumbnails for directories by choosing some representative images. This is under development here.

Doxygen usage example (for C)#

An example C header showing how to use Doxygen: this file can be used as a quick reference when documenting C code with Doxygen.

Box and Boxer#

Box is an object oriented statically typed programming language specialised in the creation of vector graphics. Box comes with a graphical user interface, Boxer, (GUI) which simplifies the creation of figures, allowing the user to see the result of the program that is being written. The user can also interact with the figure, using “reference points”, points which can be moved with the mouse and appear in the program as normal Point variables. Click here to see the Box webpage. Sources and binaries can be dowloaded by clicking here. The project is no longer under development.